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Posted on: November 29, 2018

Solemnity of Christ the King Year B - Jesus Christ Reigns As King

Jesus Reigns as King

One of the more famous phrases in the New Testament involves “fixing our eyes upon Jesus.” The idea comes from a pair of passages in Hebrews.
“Let us fix our eyes upon Jesus.” (Heb. 12:2). “… fix your thoughts upon Jesus.” (Heb. 3:1)

In Hebrews 12:1, the phrase is the same used of spies who would search out a target in a foreign land, and find it. Think of the reality of that. Every physical sense would have been on edge. They could have heard the slightest noise, smelled every scent, seen the slightest movement, and lived on the edge of the next adrenalin rush. That’s an intense focus, and the Bible says we’re to have that kind of focus on the Lord like the Americans was fixed upon the images of Sept. 11, 2011.

Joshua Norton – The Last American Emperor!!!
Did you know that Americans once had an emperor? Believe it or not, it’s true – at least, it was in the rather confused mind of Joshua A. Norton.

Norton lived in San Francisco during the gold-rush days of the 1800’s. He was a colorful character, to say the least. When speculation in the rice market brought him to financial ruin, something happened to Norton’s mind. He declared himself “Emperor of These United States.” It might have been a practical joke, or it might have been the result of a clouded mind. Whatever the initial reason, Norton’s pretending soon grew into a delusion. In 1859 he published a proclamation that he was emperor according to an act of the California legislature. He found a sword, stuck a plume in his hat, found a cape, and marched the streets in colorful costume.

The citizens of San Francisco were amused by this ploy and so played the game with him. They gave him recognition with free tickets to special events. He was invited to gala opening nights. In fact, they allowed him to collect a small tax and issue his own currency. It was all done in the spirit of fun. But to Norton it was serious business. In fact, he expanded his authority to "Emperor of These United States and Protector of Mexico”.

When he died in 1880, more than ten thousand curious people attended Norton’s funeral service – one of the largest funerals ever to take place in California. He lived and died in his own delusion of grandeur. He didn't hurt anyone; in fact, he brought a bit of a smile and a chuckle to people who came across his path.
But make no mistake about it. Joshua A. Norton was never really the emperor. Had he really insisted on a confrontation with the United States government, he would have been disposed of rather quickly. More than likely, he would have been confined to an insane asylum for the rest of his life.

Imagine the poor soul who enters eternity convinced that life was all about him, that she was the focus of the universe. What a shock to find that the Bible’s title for Jesus is accurate. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and no pretend emperor will ever take his place.

1. Fix your eyes upon the King of Kings, and not on yourself
Steve Brown tells the frustrating story of some British social scientists. Following the end of British rule in India in the 1940's, a group of researchers wanted to  study the impact of the end of British rule on the life of the nation. After six months, the British social scientists gave up, and went home. Though the British had been present in India since the 1600’s, many people in the villages of the country were not aware that the British had ever been there! Could it be that God himself has visited the world and people have lived and died without ever being aware of the event?We live in a world where the King has come but millions are totally unaware that He is present. They were literally walking with the Son of God who had come to save the world, but they weren’t even aware of it.

If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comes to your community in the next few weeks, and you get a chance to introduce him, don’t introduce him as a former baseball team owner. Don’t stop with the introduction after you’ve mentioned his college days at Jean-de-Brébeuf. If you somehow forget that your speaker is Prime Minister of Canada, you’ll never introduce another person as long as you live. Your own mother would scold you for forgetting the most important information. But if PM Trudeau comes to town, there won’t be any mistaking that he’s arrived. With all the security, and with the news media coverage, it would be incredibly difficult to forget the main point during your introduction.

The Son of God arrived for the climactic event of all history, and people got the introduction all wrong. Why? They had their eyes fixed on themselves, and not on Jesus. 

Amazingly, it’s still possible to miss Jesus. If people wait until a crisis to “find religion,” it rarely sticks. People in prison, or headed to incarceration, might see Jesus as their way of miraculous release. People surprised by serious illness might look to Jesus as the miraculous cure. People on the verge of a relationship crisis might see Jesus as the ultimate psychologist.

Make no mistake about it. Millions of people alive right now who’ve followed Jesus have reported many miraculous events. Jesus is still in the miracle-working, disease-healing, relationship-mending business. But if that’s all Jesus is seen for, we’ve missed it. When the crisis is over, Jesus won’t be needed. He can be discarded as quickly as the crowd around Jerusalem discarded him in the days following Palm Sunday.
Jesus entered Jerusalem with a fixed purpose, and an amazing plan. Despite the fact that the crowd didn’t understand that plan, he stayed true to course, and never wavered from his goal. His eyes never left his target.

The Purpose Driven Life has sold millions of copies, and transformed millions of people and churches across the world. Instinctively, most people want to know: What is my purpose? How can I be more fulfilled? What a shock to open this best-selling book and read the first sentence: “It’s not about you!” And it’s not about you. Though Jesus is intently interested in you, and loves you more than can be described, he is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and is worthy of our worship. We have been created to worship him, not the other way around.

2. The King of Kings wants you to be in his royal circle!
There’s an old story of the boy who stood on a sidewalk, waiting on a bus. A man walking by spotted the boy, and gave him some gentle instruction. “Son,” he said, “if you’re waiting on the bus, you need to move to the street corner. That’s where the bus stops for passengers.” “It’s OK,” said the boy. “I’ll just wait right here, and the bus will stop for me.” The man repeated his argument, but the boy never moved. Just then, the bus appeared. Amazingly, the bus pulled over to where the boy stood, and the child hopped on. The man on the sidewalk stood speechless. The boy turned around in the doorway and said, “Mister, I knew the bus would stop here, because the bus driver is my dad!”

When you’ve got a family relationship with the bus driver, you don’t need a bus stop. If your mother is a US Senator, you won’t need an appointment to slip into her office. If you’ve given your heart to the King of Kings, you’re in a royal family of unspeakable proportions.

The purpose of this triumphal arrival for Jesus was to provide salvation for sinners. As King of Kings, Jesus was sharply focused on enlarging his royal family. In fact, you and I were the target of this purpose! The one thing keeping us away from this incredible family relationship, however, was sin. After all, all of us have sinned, and fallen far short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) If not for a rescuer, we would be without hope, for the result of our sinful choices leads to death. (Romans 6:23)

Jesus came as that rescuer, as a savior, and he wasted no time in communicating that message. When he cleansed the Temple – a beautiful building that represented the presence of God – Jesus made room for some people who hadn’t been allowed near the building for years.

Inside the heart of the Temple was the Holy of Holies. Only one man could enter that room, and he could only do so on one day of the year. The people who couldn’t enter there included every man, woman, boy and girl in the world, and all but one of the priests. In the Holy Place, the nearest room to the center place, only the chosen priests could enter. Again, anyone not in the priesthood would never think of being allowed in that place, easily one of the most beautiful places in the world. For the rest of the Temple, Jewish men were welcome, but Jewish women were confined to an area of observation. All other races and nationalities were forbidden inside the Temple, and there were no children there, either.

The large courtyard outside the Temple building was for Jewish people only, but no one “unclean” could be there – thereby ruling out any appearance of people with diseases or disabilities. Non-Jewish people could come near the courtyard, but no further than the dividing fence. They could see the business of religion from a distance, but they couldn’t be a part of the process. Children, too, were excluded from the courtyard. For the person who ventured near the Temple area, only to be restricted from further entry, there would be no peace and quiet. The merchants were trading fast and furious at the closest possible point. They made deals with people needing a sacrifice for worship. They made a quick profit from the currency exchange rates. The animals they held nearby made noises, and created an unpleasant odor. The entire business created a din of noise and an atmosphere quite contrary to worship. The area near the merchants was certainly no place of prayer.

When Jesus arrived at the Temple, all that changed for a day. He expelled the moneychangers and sellers of animals, and suddenly, things were quieter. The sound of animals – and the smell of the animals – was gone. As Jesus healed those who came looking for miracles, the children came, too. Songs broke out, and people praised the God who had healed them, and they praised the man who had invited them to the Temple for worship.

The point Jesus made should be very important to all of us. If you’ve ever felt left out of something as lofty as the presence of God, feel that way no more. If you’ve ever felt too unworthy to join the worshippers, join them now. For Jesus went after the lowest, the least, and the defenseless, and put them right in the middle of the very place they knew to be off limits. And there, healing happened. The miracles came. The very work of God was on display in the very place God was to be worshipped, and it happened all day long.

It was one of the simplest, yet most profound illustrations Jesus would ever give to communicate the truth: He loves you, and has fixed his eyes on making sure you know that truth.

3. Since Jesus is the King of Kings, he deserves your ultimate attention and devotion.
A few years ago, a Canadian family climbed aboard a rubber raft for a ride down the rapids of the Rio Grand River. They had never been on such an adventure, but all of them were experienced swimmers, and the river seemed to be fairly shallow. It seemed to be a harmless proposition. Their  guide was a young woman from California, sun-tanned and lean, and a good communicator. She told them how to maneuver the raft, and spent several minutes teaching them to work together as a unit, paddling and rowing and listening for her voice. In time, she pushed away from the quiet area where they’d practiced, and they raced over the first series of rapids. It was an exhilarating experience, and they enjoyed the ride.

Unfortunately, they apparently forgot all the instructions, and followed none of their guide’s commands. When they came to the next quiet area, their guide pulled them over to the river bank and looked them squarely in the eye. “Look,” she said. “You’ve got to listen for my voice, and follow instructions. People die out here. People get hurt out here. Your life is at risk, and so is mine. We can’t go on if you don’t listen to my voice and follow instructions.” To say the least, she had their attention. They all gave it another shot, and performed much better on the next set of rapids. By the end of the experience, they understood why their guide had been so impassioned. The rapids increased in fury, and had they not been accustomed to listening for instructions, and following instructions, they would have been in big trouble.

There are a lot of rapids in life, but the biggest test is yet to come. At the end of life, when we meet the God who created us, what kind of answer shall we give to the way we listened for God’s voice, and whether or not we followed instructions?

The truth is, we shall not escape, if we ignore so great a salvation. What more could God have done to show us the way? The cross was not hidden from sight. It was in plain view of those who passed by the very week of the Triumphal Entry, and it still remains in plain view of people today. There will be no excuses from those who have heard the message, and yet ignored it. There will be no excuses from those who had a chance to consider the truth, and yet found other things to do. Deciding what to do with the cross, the Bible says, is the ultimate issue in life. As such, it requires ultimate attention.

Following Jesus means we recognize the royal nature of the one we serve. Yes, he has saved us. Yes, he loves us and wants us in his royal family. But yes, he is King of Kings, and we owe him our very lives. There is no other appropriate response.

Buona Festa di Cristo Re!!!

Posted on: October 27, 2018

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - THE CRY THAT CAUGHT GOD’s ATTENTION Mk.10:46-52

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B: THE CRY THAT CAUGHT GOD’S ATTENTION Mk. 10:46-52

Here's a blind man who could teach us something: he uttered "A Cry that Stopped God” dead in His tracks! There are 5 characteristics of the kind of prayer that will arrest God and move Him to answer. 

There comes a time in every life when Jesus passes by, and enters the parameters of our lives. What was going on in Jesus’ mind that day? It was a hot, dusty day on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem. Only days before his death (verse 33). Constantly aware of the crowd’s noise.

Approximately 70% of our perception is by sight. Blind people compensate with their other senses. Blind Bart felt the wind blowing; He heard the patter of footsteps and talk of the travellers. Even though he couldn’t see, he knew something was responsible for the commotion. 

We find in this passage that he uttered "A Cry that Stopped God” Himself. So we’re going to study him and see what was so special about his prayer that it caught God’s attention.

This man already had three strikes against him;

A. HIS NAME: Bartimaeus = "Son of the Unclean"/defiled. The O.T. designation of “unclean” was used of lepers or those with a bodily issue. The defiled places they went and things they touched and were forbidden many places. His father was evidently a person that long had a defilement. If ever God seem to be against someone, it was him!

B. A BEGGAR: He was so poor that he just made it from one meal to the next. 

C. A “BLIND” BEGGAR: But -- He knew he was blind! (That's better than many!) The First Step to change -- is to recognize your need. He knew -- "there is no remedy for my situation except divine intervention." "Bart" must have heard of the Man who healed the blind -- Jesus. Isaiah 35:5 foretold that the Messiah would do this. There are at least six recorded cases of Jesus healing the blind before this.

Bartimaeus heard the crowd; Bartimaeus heard Jesus was passing by -- he realized CRYING OUT WAS HIS ONLY HOPE! Only Jesus could save him; He's also our only hope too.

A. FIRST FEEBLE EFFORT - Sometimes we cry to God from our heads and not our hearts. We prayer many “surface” prayers. When a nine-year-old was asked if his two-year-old brother had started to talk yet, he replied, "Why should he talk? He gets everything he wants by hollering!"
There are a lot of "children" in our grown-up society today who seem to get "everything they want by hollering."

B. DISCOURAGEMENT FROM THE CROWD - "‘Shut up!’, some of the people yelled at him." 
When you start really seeking God, radically moving toward God – you can be sure the world will discourage you. They’ll think you’ve lost your mind. Of course they don’t see what you see.

But because he cried from his head, Jesus kept on walking. Then Bartimaeus got desperate!

A man asked a lifeguard, "How can you tell when someone is really in need of help, when there are thousands of people on the beach and in the water making a tremendous amount of noise? He answered, "No matter how great the noise and confusion, there has never been a single time when I could not distinguish the cry of distress above all others. I can always tell it."That’s exactly like God. In the midst of the babble and confusion of life, He never fails to hear the soul that cries out to him in desperation. Jesus heard the desperation in Bartimaeus’ voice!

Aren’t you glad that sincere, desperate prayers make Jesus stand still? Here’s an instance where a human cry stopped God in His tracks! If you want to touch God, blind Bartimaeus should be the person to study to see what about his prayer arrested God’s attention. 

Here are 5 characteristics of his prayer:
1)    he was willing to face human ridicule to touch God.
2)    He was desperate.
3)    He had no other way out; Jesus was his only answer.
4)    The more they told him to shut up, the more determined, the more focused – you might even say, the more “other-worldly” or God-conscious he became.
5)    Getting to Jesus became was his all-consuming passion. Then contact came!
Next he was ushered into Jesus’ presence. It’s amazing how the people who before were telling him to shut up now began to say (once they saw he had gained Jesus’ undivided attention), “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Jesus saw through their hypocrisy.

Bartimaeus’ "THROWING ASIDE HIS CLOAK. He was Leaving his old life. The cloak defined who Bartimaeus was; that he was poor and blind. It was probably the only possession he owned, if it was not held in pledge. It was Act of Faith, that, with sight, he would never be blind or a beggar again. He would probably have had the cloak positioned over his knees to catch the coins thrown his way as he begged. Throwing off that cloak showed he believed he wasn’t going to need it anymore.

o    We all have to throw off our cloaks (dependencies) that bind us to our circumstances. The cloak of Bartimaeus can also represent our thinking about ourselves. The cloak defines us. We have to throw off the definition of who we think we are. We think “I can’t,” “I will fail,” “I am bad.” We need to take that cloak off and come to Jesus.

o    WHAT DO YOU WANT JESUS TO DO? “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” He was very clear on what he wanted. Sometimes our prayers are all over the place. We want answers to all our problems at once. Look at Bartimaeus, he just asked for the one thing he knew was most important: his sight. He also had many other problems like us. But he knew if God could touch the one core thing, that deliverance would lead to the others.

o    WHAT HAPPENED AFTERWARD? “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. Immediately Bartimaeus followed Jesus. He did not go his own way. God has delivered many of you in the past, given you good jobs, healing etc. But do you follow him today? Do you have time for him today?

Posted on: October 21, 2018

29th Sunday Year B: A HOLY AMBITION Mark 10:35-45

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B – A HOLY AMBITION Mark 10:35-45

What does it mean to be ambitious? When is ambition healthy, and when can it get us into trouble?

Let us look into the faces of James and John in today’s Gospel  and see if they mirror a part of our own lives and hopefully we will be able to direct our ambitions toward something more noble than having the best seats in the house.

What is Ambition?

Ambition, in and of itself, comes naturally. It  is how we are wired. Healthy ambition is a sign of A positive self-esteem. It is what parents try to instil in their children from the earliest age. 

Ambition motivates us. It motivates us to get up in the morning and to want to do our best. At the heart of ambition is a hunger for recognition, a hunger for being wanted and for many a hunger for a reward.

According to the Scriptures, ambition is in our genes. In the Book of Genesis, we are told how God took a lump of moist clay and fashioned it into a man and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became “a living being.” (Genesis 2:7). The word translated "living being" is the word, "nephesh," which literally means, “a bundle of appetites."

We are a living being a bundle of appetites. And it is this bundle of appetites that stirs A hunger within us. A hunger to savour the goodness of life, to prove our ability to accomplish great things.

A healthy appetite lies at the heart of a healthy ambition: We hunger for something we do not have, and that hunger drives us to excel, to want more. A more prominent position, a better salary,  a loving family a comfortable home, a good name in the community. Once firmly established, this pursuit of excellence will stay with us for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, there is also a dark side to ambition. It is called greed. Greed  Instead of wanting to do something with your life to the glory of God. You pursue what you can get for yourself and the more you get the greater the need. Left unchecked, greed is like a cancer it grows and spreads It infects everything it touches.

Greed is cyclical the more you have, the more you want. And this leads to an addiction where, no matter how much you have, it is never never quite enough. Once greed takes hold of ambition,  it corrupts it, and then kills it. 

There is a dark side to ambition, Its name is greed. You see greed every time a person steps in front of another person to get ahead. And that is the issue James and John brought to Jesus:
"Teacher, we want you to do for us ....whatever we will ask." Never mind the others  just take care of us and give us what we want. That is the dark side of ambition when we want preferential treatment, and we are willing to step on or over others to get it.

Jesus’ Response 

Jesus handled this request with such a caring heart. He said,"You don't know what you are asking. 
The verb "ask" used in this passage represents a person acting in their own interest.
As one ponders over our Lord's answer, one cannot help but see the patience, kindness, and love which is exhibited by Him to James and John.

The Lord went on to share with them, "You shall indeed drink the cup that I drink, and you shall be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but…” As we know from the Scriptures Jesus’ words came true in the case of these two disciples. James died by the sword of Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:2), and John was exiled to Patmos, where tradition says, he died at hard labor.

We all want various things out of life. We are all ambitious. The issue is how will we relate to others in the process: to be ambitious but not at the expense of a servant heart. We are called to be A servant to all.

The story is told of a track meet for special children, Children physically and mentally challenged. The climax of the event was the quarter mile race at the end of the day. The contestants lined up and the gun sounded; They were off. Everything went well until they got to the final turn. One of the contestants stumbled and fell. As soon as the other runners realized what had happened, they turned around and came back to the fallen runner and helped him to his feet. Then, arm in arm, they limped together toward the finish line. As the herd of runners passed in front of the crowd, everyone stood to cheer. No one cared to notice who actually crossed the finish line first. What difference did that really make? What mattered was they finished every last one them completed the race no one was left behind. 

When your ambitions turn from satisfying your own wants  to that of attending to the needs of others; To be a servant to all that is the mark of Christian Maturity. An ambition that has matured in Christ Jesus. An Ambition focused on something far greater than yourself an ambition focused. On others. For You want no-one to be left behind. That is how God created us to. 

Ambition is a healthy thing when it motivates us to reach our God-given potential. Yet It becomes even healthier when we have a heart for the lost and want no-one to be left behind.